The Adventures of Sam Strawberry

The Adventures of Sam Strawberry is a collection of stories about a little berry that grew from a seed into a big bright berry due to the love and nurturing of a little girl. Follow Sam and Suzy through their never-ending adventures... and meet a lot of friends along the way.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happy Sam

Miserable Sam

Chocolate Dipped!!

Top Secret Sam!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A poem about Sam

Sam is a little Strawberry...
He's Sweet, and Red, and Round

He grew up in a little garden,
In an English Country Town...

His best friend is named Suzy,
A friendly little girl.
She takes good care of him
and travels around the world.

Learn more about the Adventures of Sam Today,
From London, New York and Los Angeles,
There's a world in which to play...
Learn languages, and cultures, and works of art to see
The Adventures of Sam Strawberry....

A penpal,... just write, wait and see....

Friday, February 29, 2008

Sam and Suzy - Explore the Garden

Sam was a little strawberry. Grown from a tiny seed.
Planted, watered, given sunshine and rain.

Suzy was a 4-year old. She lived with her mother, father and big brother in a small country town.

Sam lived in Suzy's garden.

Every day, Suzy and her mum would water, weed and care for the flowers, plants and trees. One day, Suzy bent down to pick some strawberries. She reached her hand out to pluck a little red berry when something started tickling her hand. She stared giggling and shrieked, "MUMMY!!! This strawberry has legs!!!!" Suzy's mum knelt down to take a closer look and put out her hand. Sam jumped onto her palm and gave a big sigh. "Thank You!!"

"I am Sam. And I love your garden," he said, happily.

"Can I keep him?" Suzy asked her mother.
" I don't see why not", she replied.

Suzy gently took Sam in her hands and they played and explored the garden all afternoon...

To Learn More about the adventures of Sam and Suzy, link to this blog and subscribe for updates.....

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Meet Sam Strawberry

Written and Illustrated by

David M. Brown and Suzanne C. Gibson