The Adventures of Sam Strawberry is a collection of stories about a little berry that grew from a seed into a big bright berry due to the love and nurturing of a little girl. Follow Sam and Suzy through their never-ending adventures... and meet a lot of friends along the way.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A poem about Sam

Sam is a little Strawberry...
He's Sweet, and Red, and Round

He grew up in a little garden,
In an English Country Town...

His best friend is named Suzy,
A friendly little girl.
She takes good care of him
and travels around the world.

Learn more about the Adventures of Sam Today,
From London, New York and Los Angeles,
There's a world in which to play...
Learn languages, and cultures, and works of art to see
The Adventures of Sam Strawberry....

A penpal,... just write, wait and see....